Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Germany Assignment 3

A picture of Martin Luther.

The YouTube video by PBS Martin Luther: Reluctant Revolutionary shows Martin Luther as a cultural, political, and religious revolutionary. Because of the changes in the Holy Roman Empire, today’s Germany, he is an important figure in German’s history.
First, Martin Luther started the religious revolution. When he posted his 95 thesis to the door of the Church in Wittenberg, he was contesting the Catholic Church that until that time had never been successfully opposed. In this way Martin Luther allowed the common people to openly question the Church. He also allowed ordinary people to have a role in the church and beliefs that their repentance was between them and God. People no longer needed a priest to intercede on their behalf in order to repent or to receive an indulgence. He also translated the bible into German so people other than those in the Church could read the Bible. With this changes and a few others, Luther had a new form of Christianity which made Europe a continent with more than one form of Christianity.
The bible that Martin Luther translated into German
Although Martin Luther never intended it, he was also a political revolutionary. In some of his writings he encouraged the Princes to stand up to the Church and reform the churches in their principalities. Through these Martin Luther was able to save his life by having Princes in the Holy Roman Empire go against the Church and not turn him over for trial for his excommunication. The revolution that Martin Luther started also inspired the serfs and common people to rise up against their rulers. This started the end of the feudal system that was still being used in that area. Lastly, the people started public schools and public welfare programs for the common people.
One of the sketches Martin Luther used to depict the Church.
In the end Luther started a cultural revolutionary. He inspired people to question the Church and the power the Church had in the government. With this he spread the idea that everyone had the power to change the way things are. One way Luther spread his ideas was through propaganda that was never used before but is still used today. Luther expressed that everyone had social freedom. Luther may not have wanted to start a revolution, but that is exactly what he did to the point were peasants became dangerous to the ruling class.

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